
Type of Article: Original

Volume 3; Issue 7: July 2016

Page No.: 341-344

DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2016.135

A Morphometric Study of Femur and Its Clinical Importance

Ravi G.O 1,   Shaik Hussain Saheb *2, Abraham Ratna Joseph N 3.

1 Assistant Professor Department of Orthopedics, JJM Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka, India.

*2 Assistant Professor Department of Anatomy, JJM Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka, India.

3 Assistant Professor, Avalon University School of Medicine Sta. Rosaweg, Willemstad, Curacao.

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR ADDRESS: Shaik Hussain Saheb, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, JJM Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka, India. Mobile No.: +91-9242056660 E-Mail: anatomyshs@gmail.com


Background: The femur is the largest and strongest bone in the body and the structure of its proximal portion allows the leg to move in three dimensions relative to the torso, thus serving as a linchpin of  human mobility. Moreover, age related and pediatric disorders at this skeletal site are common and confer strong risk factors for current and future disability. In Orthopaedic practice, operations on femur are the most common. Variations in hip morphology are also of critical interest to surgical planning where the ability to take hip morphology into account on a patient specific basis is crucial for success in choosing designs of implants and other structures used for hip replacements and augmentations of hip stability. The present study is focused on morphometric measurement of adult dry femur.

Objectives: The objectives of present study to find out the measurements of Neck shaft angle, Femoral Length and Neck Length of femur.

Materials and Methods: In present study have used 592 femurs from different colleges in south India. The following measurements were conducted  Neck shaft angle, Femoral Length and Neck Length of femur.

Results: The results of present study are the length of femur was 447.1+28.94mm, right femur was 447.9+28.72mm and left femur was 446.2+29.12mm,  the Neck Length  femur was 36.3+5.4mm,  right femur was 36.4+5.2mm and left femur  was 36.1+5.6mm. the neck shaft angle of femur was  136.80, right femur was 136.70 and left femur  was 136.90.

Conclusion: There is no significance difference between right and left femur measurements.  The present study results are may helpful for orthopaedic, radiology and anthropological practice.

KEY WORDS: Femoral Length, Neck Length, Neck Shaft angle and Femur.


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