Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 3; Issue 7: July 2016
Page No.: 369-372
DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2016.142
Revalidation of the Concept of Rakthasaarata with Reference to Treatment Response in Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Ragesh C 1, Ajitha.K 2, Anjali Sivaram 3.
*1 Assisstant Professor, Dept. of Kriyasareera, PNNM Ayurveda Medical College, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur, Kerala State, India.
2 Associate Professor, Dept. of Kriyasareera, Govt Ayurveda college ,Kannur, Kerala State, India.
3 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kriyasareera, Govt Ayurveda college ,Kannur, Kerala State, India.
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR ADDRESS: Dr. Ragesh C, Assisstant Professor, Dept of Kriyasareera, PNNM Ayurveda Medical College, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur, Kerala State, India.E-Mail: rageshpgi@gmail.com
Background: Saara is considered as an important concept of Ayurveda, which is responsible for assessing strength & stability. The concept of saarata is a good mirror to assess properties and function of dhatus. Balaof specific dhatuwill be increased as per his saara.Rakthasaara assessment can be done with the tools developed from classical references and some objective parameters. With this, scoring for rakthasaarata can be done in anaemia patients. This score can be compared with haemogram at various stages of the treatment to look for any association. If the high rakthasaarata score patient gets better treatment response, it indicates that the treatment schedule can be modified according to the saarataof the individual.
Objective: To assess the influence of rakthasaarata in treatment response of iron deficiency anaemia.
Materials and Methods: 30 patients were selected with Hb range 7-11.9g/dl and serum ferritin level less than 20µg/L .After the selection their saara assessment was done. Based on the saara score they were divided into 3 groups (saara score 24-29 1stgroup;30-35 2nd group and 36-41 3rd group).Thenpatients were advised to take vyoshaditakra for a period of 45 days . Full haemogram test was done in 1st, 15th, 30th, 45th days for getting response.Serum Ferritin was assessed on 1st and 30th day.
Results: At the end of this study it is noticed that the effect of intervention on Hb,RBC,WBC, Platelet, MCHC, MCH, PCV etc was significant in group 1 and 3. But the changes in group 1 values were obtained mostly after the total course of intervention while significant changes were noticed in group 3 even in the middle of intervention i.e. changes noticed in different phases of intervention.
Conclusion: Individual with better rakthasaarascore, get faster response to the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia.
Key words: Saara, Rakthasaara, Iron deficiency anemia, Vyoshaditakra, Haemogram, Serum ferritin.
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