
Type of Article: Original Research

Volume 4; Issue 7: 2017

Page No.: 543-547

DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2017.119



Wondwossen Yimam 1,  Prema Kumara 2, Delelegn Tsegaye 3, Yemiamrew Getachew 4.

*1 Dean, School of Nursing & Midwifery, College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS),

Wollo University, Ethiopia.

2 Assistant professor, Department of Comprehensive Nursing, CMHS, Wollo University, Ethiopia

3 Lecturer, Department of Comprehensive Nursing, CMHS, Wollo University, Ethiopia.

4 Head, Department of Comprehensive Nursing, CMHS, Wollo University, Ethiopia.

Corresponding Author: Wondwossen Yimam, Dean, School of Nursing & Midwifery, CMHS, Wollo University, Ethiopia. E-Mail: greenwater3020@gmail.com


Introduction: Health Workers job satisfaction is a corner stone for improving the quality of health service, patient satisfaction, staff morale, job competence, patient compliance, positive patient outcomes and its continuity of care.

Objectives: To determine motivation, hygiene factors and health workers job satisfaction working at Six Government Hospitals at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2015.

Methodology: Institution based cross sectional study design with self administered questionnaire was employed among three hundred fourteen health workers using systematic random sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: The response rate for this study was 90%. The majority (63%) of health workers were dissatisfied with their job. The overall mean job satisfaction for hygiene and motivation factors were 3.54(+0.96SD) and 3.35(+0.09SD) respectively. Almost all determinants were positively correlated with job satisfaction, but compensation (salary) was negatively and strongly associated with health workers’ job satisfaction.

Conclusion and Recommendation: The majority of health workers were dissatisfied with their job. Even if both were important factors, hygiene factors were more important predictors than motivation factors for health workers’ job satisfaction in this study subjects. However participants were dissatisfied with the compensation (salary) that they received for the work they did. Thus, health managers shall use both motivation and hygienic determinants of Herzberg’s theory as a tool to increase health workers’ job satisfaction.

Key words: Health worker, Job satisfaction, Motivation, Hygiene Factors.


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