Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 6: 2018
Page No.: 673-676
DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2018.122
George Pallapati 1, Subin V *1.
MS ENT, Assistant professor in Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Subin V, MS ENT, Assistant professor in Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-Mail: geo.ent85@gmail.com
Background: Most authors agree that when clinical treatment is not enough to offer good nasal permeability, surgical treatment should be indicated for the treatment of nasal obstruction due to turbinate hypertrophy. So we compared these two Powered turbinectomy and submucous turbinate procedures have being taken for prospective analysis which is being done commonly in our Viswabharathi medical college Kurnool.
Materials and Methods: a prospective study conducted in the Viswabharathi medical college Kurnool Between Sept 2016 to Oct 2017 with 30 patients with nasal obstruction and inferior turbinate hypertrophy not responding to medical treatment with or without septal deviation were included and underwent these procedures by random allocation for Submucous resection and Powered turbinectomy.
Results: In present study we observed in Submucous resection group in the pre and post operative state showed 66.67% and 0% to have severe nasal obstruction respectively. Endoscopic examination revealed 60% and 0% to have grade III size of the inferior turbinate in pre and post operative states respectively. Out of 10 patients who had severe nasal obstruction, only four of them had mild nasal obstruction post operatively. One patient who had moderate nasal obstruction was not improved. But in Powered turbinectomy group Pre operative and post operative assessment of nasal obstruction by subjective analysis showed 80% and 0% to have moderate nasal obstruction respectively. Objective analysis revealed 67% to have grade II inferior turbinate and 33% to have grade II turbinate size in pre and post operative state respectively.
Conclusion: In powered turbinectomy, the overall improvement is 100% by both subjective and objective assessment. On analyzing these two turbinectomy procedures, the powered turbinectomy procedure is best for relieving nasal obstruction and for reducing turbinate size.
Key words: Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy, Submucous resection and Powered turbinectomy.
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