
Type of Article: Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 7: 2018

Page No.: 678-686

DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2018.123


Chandra Sekhar A 1, Eshwar Reddy Ravula 2.

1 Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Viswabharathi Medical College and Hospital, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.
*2 Consultant Psychiatry, Clears water Hyderabad, Telangana.

Address for communication: Dr. Chandra Sekhar A, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Viswabharathi Medical College and Hospital, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh
E-Mail: csreddy81@gmail.com.


Background: Alcohol use has been shown to be associated with high risk behaviour. However, the exact nature of this association remains to be clarified. The role of personality constructs of sensation- seeking and impulsivity has been implicated in high risk behaviour. Most of the published literature has been on population from the developed countries but not from the developing countries like INDIA have been few.

Methods: 60 male patients admitted with an ICD 10 diagnosis of alcohol Dependence Syndrome were studied using both self-report and semi structured interview.  The  data  was  analyzed  using  an  Event-  analysis  technique  for  the occurrence of high risk behaviour, namely Road traffic Accidents, Crime and Violence, Self-injurious behaviour and risky Sexual behaviour. Personality variables were studied using the Sensation Seeking Scale, Form V, Indian Adaptation and Barratt’s Impulsivity Scale, version 11. Data was analysed using SPSS.

Results: Out of the 60 patients studied 68.3% (n=47) of the sample were exposed to high risk behaviour. Analysis of the data found evidence that Severity of Dependence, Personality Constructs of Sensation Seeking and Impulsivity, and family history of dependence showed significant association with high risk behaviour.

Conclusion: Amongst the high-risk behaviours in alcoholics, risky sexual behaviour was the commonest followed by road traffic accidents. The significance of personality constructs of sensation seeking and impulsivity in high risk behaviour needs to be evaluated more routinely in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome, as intervention strategies need to be planned keeping these in mind to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Key words: High Risk Behavior, Sensation Seeking, Impulsive.


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